Have you no shame? Look, if I'd wanted wind, I'd have lived in the Aude. And to be honest I don't really care if we've only had 50% of of normal rainfall over the last 12 months - I just can't be doing with these sudden onset squally showers that you keep sending my way, every day at random intervals, usually when I'm in the middle of something outside.
Maybe you haven't realised what the stakes are here, so let me be upfront with you: I've got a seriously big job on outside, preparing the garden for us and our guests to hang out in this summer. I've got chairs and sunbeds and tables to get out, clean, oil and generally get looking good again. I've got hammocks and parasols to set up. I'm trying my damnedest to paint the floor of the covered eating area, but you keep sending me winds that blow trillions of blossom petals right onto my wet paint. (Um - this is Ariège. We live in the Couserans. We don't get wind).
I've got a potager to finish digging over and plant up so that we don't all starve this summer but your rain is keeping my soil too wet. I've got seedlings to tend, but your winds keep blowing my mini greenhouse over. I've got hundreds of flower plants ready to fill all the pots that line the front of the house but your low temperatures are keeping the soil too cold. And we've got nightingales singing, but it's just too bloody cold to sit outside and listen to them.
And look, even as I'm writing this, there's Big Rain - or is it hail? - blowing horizontally outside my window. And I have a thermal vest on.
All right, I accept that you've probably been put under some pressure to keep the weather miserable this month because of the presidential election. And yes, I realise it would be improper if everybody went off on holiday instead of staying at home and voting. But I'm sorry, I've really had it with April now. And if I have to wait another 2 weeks before it gets better, I'm afraid I shall have no alternative but to worship a different weather god in future.
PS Just wondering, given your current track record .... have you by any chance got anything to do with the three major things that have gone wrong with my car this week? Because not only is the weather crap, but I'm confined to barracks and when the work's done next week will be several hundred euros poorer to boot .....
Evelyne Dhéliat is the weather god(dess) from TF1, the French TV channel. She is France's favourite weather person, much loved by all (but especially by men. She's 63, intelligent, blonde and looks 43).
Oh boy, do I hear you Loud and Clear! We had a fire going in our woodburning stove just two days ago. Today, it reached 80° and we dug out our shorts and sandals. Next week, we'll be hauling in wood again.
(Oregon State, USA)
Yes, we've still got the central heating on in the evenings, which is pretty unusual for the last half of April.
I'm really not good at wind though (in case you hadn't picked that up :-)). It just seems such a waste of good energy, a bit like a toddler's tantrum.
Half and hour ago it was so dark we couldn't see, cold rain and we lit the wood burner. Now the sky is blue, the sun is blinding me through the window and the layers are coming off. And as it's been like this all week the lawn still needs mowing, and, and, and........
I LIKE wind. Not too much, but it feels as if it moves things about, in a good way. And your weather forecaster friend is known as Pixie-Fou-Frou in our house. Can't remember why
Boy, this woman's influence spreads far and wide, non?
Evelyne's, I mean. Not Margaret's, who commented at exactly the same moment as I did - well, probably microseconds before, which is why her comment is above mine and therefore mine doesn't make a lot of sense .... Though I'm sure M's influence is pretty widespread as well.
Okay, okay, I'll get my coat. And go and watch the results of The-Election-I-Can't-Vote-In.
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