Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Getting artistic

While the wind howls away outside (yes, still) and with most of the big inside jobs now done and dusted, I've been getting artistic.

Yesterday I made a picture screen for L'Atelier's bathroom, into which I've put some of my favourite whirling dervish pictures. I love the Mevlevi dervishes. They're a Sufi order founded by Rumi who use the practice of whirling as their zikr. Zikr literally means remembrance: it's a meditation practice to remember God / the One. Having been very involved with a western Sufi order in the UK I've taken part in many a whirling session and it's an amazing experience, of finding the still point in the midst of movement - a big inspiration for me of being Slow before I'd even heard of it. And so it seemed like a Good Thing to have my dervishes here as a reminder of the Slow life .....

And today I've been in signwriting mode. I've been making various wooden signs out of some ancient oak floorboards that we found in one of the outbuildings when we arrived here; I really like the idea of Grillou's original floorboards taking on a new life to welcome people here. Here are two of today's creations, with their 'captions' painted, and just now waiting for their protective coating before they take their place outside at the end of the drive:


Sharon said...

What a multi-layered person you are, whirling sounds inspiring so I'm going to find out more. I used to dance competitively ( a very long time ago & a couple of stones lighter) and I still miss it. It used to take me to a different level mentally.

And you can sign write - I'm truly impressed.

Kalba said...

It is inspiring, if a little scary when you begin because of dizziness, though if you used to dance (and now I'm impressed!) you probably know how to deal with that. And yes, I know exactly what you mean about dance taking you a different level. It does that for me too.

Margaret Lawrenson said...

Impressed by the signwriting: VERY. And as for the dancing.... I get dizzy just thinking about it, me and my left feet