Do you like me? In a Facebook-y kind of way, I mean?
Well, I hope you do, because I've just spent a while huffing and puffing over creating a Facebook page for Grillou. On a personal level, you could say I've been a bit of a FB dullard since I signed up a couple of years ago, originally simply to look at a friend's photos on there: I rarely post, mainly because there never seems to be time but mainly because I can't quite find it in to me believe that everybody wants to hear my daily dribbles of trivia. But what I do do on a regular basis is follow up some of the links that various friends post, on the grounds that if I like them I might just like what they like. (Yes, I know, it's called social networking. And yes, I know, it's probably a modus vivendi to most of you ... But just humour me here).
Anyway, all sorts of people have been trying to persuade me that I really should start Going Social. And the more I think about it, the more I rather like the idea of 'meeting' more people who are drawn to Maison Grillou and/or to the Ariège, whether or not they might actually want to come and stay here. Being at heart a community minded kind of person, after five years with only a trowel to talk to (oh. And John) I'm more than ready to engage with the world again ...
So meet my new page: Maison Grillou on Facebook. And if you're a Facebook user yourself I need your help. Apparently once I've got 25 people who 'like' me I can get a new, much shorter URL for the page (at the moment it would take half a page if I wrote it out in full ..). So - um - do you think you might - um - like me? Please? Oh, and just one other thing: would you also mind awfully 'liking' our main website as well? (There's a new 'like' button right at the bottom ...).
Eternally, grovellingly, gratefully, yours .......
I won't be joining you at Facebook, but I did want to say that your place looks fantastic.
Thank you, BB!
Happy to oblige!
I'm grovelling deeply here .... :-)
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